Saturday 4 August 2007

Chapter 2. The New World Order !

***(Continuity Note: Please scroll down below this posting to view Chapter 1 first).

The Second World War produced... in the end... one victor: the United States... one hero: Great Britain... one villain: Germany...'

Hitler... by N. Stone.

Churchill had not only studied most of the wars in history but had also served as a soldier… unlike Bush and Blair.
And Britain has a history of warfare dating back to before America was born.

I use his "they had no plan" quote because it seems to have more resonance every day… and Churchill was a much more intelligent and worldly wise figure than the leaders who have taken us into Afghanistan or Iraq... Tony Blair looks like a shopkeeper to me… and Bush may be cunning but he doesn’t seem too smart… a bully yes.

Matt Lauer goes after Bush over secret prisons and torture…

You can see the bully… you can see the liar ‘in the name of the American people… in the name of the American people… in the name of…’ Bush’s mantra.

‘…these are people who want to kill you and your family… I want to protect you from them..’ he hasn’t done much of a job!

He’s killed more American people than Al Quaeda.

I also love the implication that the rest of the world saw America have a bad day but in fact they were seeing a change of attitude… I disagree… the Americans have always had an attitude of aggression… particularly towards what they classify as ‘gook’ type races… by that I mean Non Aryan Anglo Saxons… and as for the bad day… maybe Bush forgot the fire bombing of Hamburg and the atomic bombing of Hiroshima… the rest of the world has forgotten more about ‘having bad days’ than the average American can ever comprehend… and if 9/11 is the nearest they get then they should think themselves lucky… casualties where only in the low thousands… not the high millions… in my view Americans often act like soppy hysterics… that’s why they are losing the war… as usual!

In both World Wars the world bled and learnt lessons that America never felt… registered… understood… knew about… understood... but then yanks are not very interested in other peoples cultures… and always view history from an American perspective… you just saw Bush do it...

‘if the rest of the world don’t like it… so tough.’

The lesson they never learnt is that the losers in any total war are the civilians. But the Americans have never faced or fought a foreign enemy on their own soil… since maybe ‘The Alamo’ and that was soldier to soldier the First or The Second World wars did not touch American shores so; the nearest they ever got to experiencing how it feels is 9/11… and that was nothing compared to what Europeans have experienced and endured… or the Japanese… or the Vietnamese… but America reacts like a hysterical rape victim!

Bombing people is what Americans do to others… it's a different story when it's done to them.

We hear a lot about American troop causalities… but not much about civilian casualties …the figures are kept vague… I’m sure if we knew how many civilians the American army has killed in Iraq we would be horrified… but then America has a long history of genocide dating back to the destruction of its own American Indians

John Pilger's Breaking The Silence Part 5/6

And if someone questions your bullshit… ‘he’s a commie’ or a fanatic… that’s become the American way.

I don’t know much about the fascist with the toupee but it’s guys like him who gets other men to kill and be killed… you can see clearly how his smugness and arrogance would cause global problems… meanwhile the journalist, John Pilger has a reputation for truth… honesty and integrity… so this interview had to go the way it went… and naturally if he has a different point of view Pilger must be ‘a member of the communist party’ …remember that old chestnut they used to justify killing millions in South East Asia…. this is Democracy in action… you just watched it!

So where did this American aggressive self confidence come from… Let’s take a look at the history of ‘this great and good democracy’ and it’s track record… ‘the great experiment in democracy turned into a baby killer...’

Clockwise from top: Allied landing on Normandy beaches on D-Day, the gate of a Nazi concentration camp at Auschwitz, Red Army soldiers raising the Soviet flag over the Reichstag in Berlin, the Nagasaki atom bomb, and German police entering Austria.
DATE: September 1, 1939 – September 2, 1945. wikipedia.

The Americans began their arrogant role as ‘the worlds policeman’ towards the end of the second world war.

The Second World War 1939-45…was the biggest… most widespread… most destructive war in the history of mankind. Splitting the world into two sides… it killed over 60 million people… over 100 million men and women had to fight in a ‘ total war’ that blurred the distinctions of soldier or civilian…everyone was a target…except the American civilian population that is… so while the world faced:

‘…the complete mobilization of a nation's economic, industrial, and scientific capabilities for the purposes of the war effort; nearly two-thirds of those killed in the war were civilians’ ...Wikipedia.The world bled and starved while Americans ‘back home’ still ate apple pie and drank fresh milk... We could be on the way there again!

David Swanson on the Lies of the Bush-Cheney Gang…

And leading a people to war using lies is a crime against humanity as awful as any in history.

These lies have killed innocent people and will go on doing so for a long time to come.

Iraq WMD Lies: the words of mass deception…

Churchill's prophetic words...

"This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning"

...would be a headline not out of place on an ad using the picture below to warn us to beware of the dangers if we continue to follow these cruel destructive businessmen… who incidentally get paid to rebuild what they destroy whilst they wrestle to control what comes out of the soil of other peoples ‘homelands’…so American industry can still enjoy it’s global warming producing riches…and like double agents these corporate ‘agents’ pose as ‘God fearing’ politicians to do this… when Bush says the American people he really means his own…‘ family’ …and friends.

This cloud is the aftermath of the dropping of an atomic bomb at Nagasaki. wikipedia.

USA Terrorism: Hiroshima, NAGASAKI Atomic Bomb Atomic Bomb...

This was the beginning of the age of great post modernist lies by ‘supposedly’ Democratic ‘corporate backed ’ governments doing evil things in the name of the people they represented.

This bomb was not dropped to defeat the Japanese… they were already defeated.

The Americans wanted the Japanese to carry on the war… so they had an excuse to drop the ‘new toy’…the atomic bomb.

So the Americans demanded of the Japanese the one thing they knew the Japanese could never agree to… absolute surrender… and the trial of their Emperor Hirihito as a war criminal.
Very like Bush‘s recent plot to ‘back foot’ Saddam into a corner… so as to justify an American
invasion… on the pretext of searching out and destroying weapons of mass destruction… that in the event didn’t exist…

The Special Operations Executive (CIA) Asian bureau new full well that the Japanese could never agree to that... that was why they demanded it..! To the Japanese Hirihito was not just their Emperor…. he was also their God.
The Americans knew this… knew reverence of his ‘religion’ based ‘Godliness’ would force the Japanese to go on fighting till the bitter end to protect their God.

Culturally and spiritually they would have no choice… religion demanded it.
So the Americans got the excuse needed to drop the bomb… engineered and manufactured by the Pentagon just like now.

The yanks pretended they did it to shorten the war so as to ‘save’ lives… Killing nearly a quarter of a million… mainly women and children as all the able bodied men had left the cities to go to the war… but then the lives they where saving where American… and the deaths would only be ‘Japs’ …like ‘slopes’ or ‘gooks’ …enemies dehumanized firstly by name… they’d practised… ‘Squaw’ for example is an offensive American ‘loan word’ supposed to refer to the vagina… many Native Americans interpret it as "white man's bedroom slave." …squaw mean’s vagina… get it!

America committed genocide… mass murder… to show the world that they were the ultimate
global power... in a calculated experiment… meant to show just how good the new bomb was.
It was too good an opportunity to miss… they had an excuse… it didn’t matter that they had created the excuse themselves…

One wonders whether had they accurately warned or informed the Japanese what they where contemplating whether the Japanese would have reacted differently? …but we will never know… they were not given that chance… they were Japs.

Besides the Americans really wanted to see what the bomb did to people… look at the amount of ‘watching’ going on in the film clips… Americans with special glasses everywhere… ready to watch a destructive wonder of the world… like morbidly ghoulish witnesses at a hanging… showing the world that they had the first ‘weapons of mass destruction.’

It did not seem to matter to them that it’s biulder… Oppenheimer… was worried about the future danger for civilisation and mankind… forseeing an arms race of weapons of mass destruction… and that the ethics of using such weapons was questionable… they accused him of being ‘a commie’ and character assassinated him… because they didn’t like what he had to say… sound familiar?

The Triumph and Tragedy of a Genius: Robert Oppenheimer…

The only people who have ever irresponsibly used weapons of mass destruction are the Americans themselves… the ones who are always keen on helping us stop others getting their hands on what they have plenty of … I wonder why? ...asks a dunce.

When the Americans bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki… it was the beginning of the use of weapons of mass destruction… weapons of mass destruction are an American thing… not an Arab thing… That’s why they are so obsessed with them.
Guilt and fear… 140,000 people died in Hiroshima… 74,000 in Nagasaki… just so America could try out it’s new toy and look the toughest kid on the global block… nearly a quarter of a million dead to prove a God fearing Anglo Saxon Conservative master race was the New World order… which it remained to the present day... with an armory of weapons of mass destruction.

The history repeating itself here is the Americans seem to get off on bombing civilians… it has always been regarded by them as a great war winning strategy.

All underpinned by America’s ‘master racism’… it’s easy to kill sub humans like ‘gooks’ or ‘slopes’ without compassion.

US soldiers Killing a wounded Iraqi…

and "Strategic bombing" both then and now means totally destroying cities. The dead in these cities are not all soldiers but are mainly ordinary people... innocent civilians.

And let's not forget Fallujah !!!

Fallujah Documentary 1 warning graphic

or the "Japs" killed in the American fire bombing and atomic bombing of Japanese cities.

500,000 Japanese civilians were killed. wikipedia.

American bombers destroyed 60 Japanese cities using napalm.

Tokyo burning after the May 26, 1945, firebombing raid. wikipedia.

The firebombing technique involves three long lines of bombers dropping napalm and incediary bombs every 50 feet across whole cities.

Robert Guillain, a French journalist living in Tokyo was an eye witness to the bombing attack ‘ fire, whipped by high winds, began to scythe its way through the density of that wooden city. As they fell, cylinders scattered a kind of flaming dew that skidded along the roofs, setting fire to everything it splashed, spreading a wash of dancing flames everywhere. The first version of napalm. Roofs collapsed under the bombs’ wikipedia.

Tokyo was engulfed in a firestorm of such intensity that it created it’s own winds… a vortex… fanning the flames… the fire spreading was literally a ‘wild fire’.
Temperatures were so high that peoples clothes ignited on them as they ran or huddled together in terror. The very air they tried to breath burned their lungs. Women wearing ‘air-raid turbans’ around their heads burst into flames as the intense heat ignited the turbans like burning candle wicks.

Explosives on to Japanese cities during war. wikipedia.

It was the most devastating air raid ever… over the next 14 days American bombers flew another 1,600 sorties.

Then came their ‘piece de la resistance’ …the moment they had all been waiting for… the dropping of the atomic bomb.

On the day it happened the Japanese never took the attack seriously. Air defense radar only picked up three planes coming in… not the usually huge B52 air armada’s.

They even decided not to intercept… thinking it was probably some kind of reconnaissance flight.
The bomb killed an estimated minimum of 90, 000 people immediately.

Weapons of mass destruction had arrived… shipped in by clean cut heroic looking Yanks… looking like John Wayne… the Hollywood propaganda machine was already churning out a diet of feature length ads for the new world order.

The Searchers trailer (John Wayne)...

This was the kind of ‘Texican’ hero George W Bush was brought up on… note the scary ‘a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do’ similarity… notice the acceptable genocide of the Indians… or that the girl ‘defiled’ by an Indian is better off dead!... because of the terrible things these inhuman savages were capable of… these movies subliminally created and developed a ‘rascist’ mind set leading directly to Hiroshima, Mai Lai and Fallujah… and the day they dropped the atomic bomb it all came together… and the world changed forever.

On the morning of the attack the Tokyo controller of the Japanese Broadcasting Corporation noticed Hiroshima had gone off the air.

Then the Tokyo railroad telegraph center realized the main line telegraph had stopped working… Wild rumors began to spread of an enormous explosion…these reports transmitted immediately to the headquarters of the Japanese General Staff.

Military bases repeatedly tried to call the Army Control Station in Hiroshima… Nothing… just silence.

The complete silence from the city puzzled the men at headquarters… they knew that no large enemy raid had been reported… A young officer of the Japanese General Staff was ordered to fly immediately to Hiroshima… to land… survey the damage… and return to Tokyo with reliable information… It was generally felt at headquarters that nothing serious had taken place… that it was all a rumor.

The staff officer took off for the southwest… flying for three hours… and while still nearly 100 miles from Hiroshima… he and his pilot saw a great cloud of smoke from the bomb… when they reached the city they circled round and round… staring down in disbelief… the smoking remains of Hiroshima was burning itself out below them.

A great still burning scar on the land covered by a heavy cloud of smoke… all that was left of a whole city.

Hiroshima, after the bombing. wikipedia

Tokyo's first knowledge of what caused the disaster came from a White House public announcement from Washington, D.C... sixteen hours after the nuclear attack on Hiroshima… America was taking over the world.

Radio Tokyo described the destruction observed in Hiroshima as "Practically all living things, human and animal, were literally seared to death,"

The total killed in Hiroshima in 1945 was estimated at 140,000… with hundreds of agonized deaths attributable to body burning radiation exposure

'That war ended ‘but the bitch who bred her is in heat again…’

Americans are not always reknown for being the greatest natural scholars on earth… a recent definition I came across recently said this about their educational system… ‘American education has become the notes of the professor transformed into the notes of the student without passing through the brains of either…’ engineers and corporate expansionists they may be … yes!… good at mass production… yes! …good at technology …good at media… particularly media lies… but ‘free’ …unconventional ‘humanist’ anti capitalist thinkers? …by that I mean anti corporate… not really… they are too conservative… and re member the concept of the corporation is an American idea…

(See ‘The Corporation’)…

after the American civil war some bright lawyer dreamt up the idea of giving a financial structure the ‘human’ rights newly written into the constitution for the protection of the newly ‘freed’ Negro slaves… a great concept …giving a financial institution the legal protection of a free man living in a democracy… but without that institution ever having to worry too much about anyone being held ‘personally’ responsible for the actions of the actual institution itself…

Take away the Administrations badges of office etc… and these guys are all really Corporate’s… Corporate ‘ Dallas’ type ‘Dynasty’s’ with money in weapons… and oil… and building contractors (to clean up smashed the cities)… and security companies (to protect people from attackers they create)… so I fear that what we are being told by Micheal Moore is really only the tip of the iceberg…

Fahrenheit 9/11 Trailer…

The accolade for ‘thinking clearly’ often goes to the more ‘worldly wise’ and therefore more ‘learned’ Europeans… As a thinker corporate America is ‘a massive convoy traveling at the rate of the slowest ship’…That’s how you get a Bush! ...and make no mistake George W & Condi not only torture and kill people… they also actually do kill babies! every day!!! the name of ‘the people of America.’ …I have friends who are American who would never dream of killing a baby… so how come they allow a government to stay in power who does it every day… where are the riots in the streets… or has Bush and his ‘corporate’ home security buddies got a whole nation running scared… that’s what it looks like to an outsider...

JFK about 9/11 and the emergence of a New World Order...

Truth is stranger than fiction...

September 11th and the New World Order... father like son.

CNN/DOBBS: W fulfills his dad's dream of a NEW WORLD ORDER…

The saddest part of this is that good Americans are going to be blamed for the evil activities of a small group of corporate fascists.

I am so pleased to see the new Brit government looks like it’s beginning to pull back… it’s about time… that’s the trouble with religious fundamentalists like Blair… they start ‘religious’ wars!... if there is such a thing! sounds like an oxymoron to me… the I Ching says ‘avoid lawsuits’ …no one ever wins… even if you win… winning leaves an atmosphere of vendetta and acrimony… winning leads to more anger…
The powerful residue of anger caused by the unfair settlement the allies forced on Germany after World War 1 gave Hitler every excuse he needed to start World War 2.

And any psychologist will tell you… the way to stop aggression is to disengage… and to remain disengaged… until time solves the problem… even if the Iraqis tear each other to pieces… it may be a necessary part of history… and it’s not our business… and only time itself heals wounds… but the corporate industrial military complex backs Israel and doesn’t want withdrawal from the Middle East… something that would at least begin moves to deescalate a situation that’s obviously getting out of hand… the Arabs are getting stronger all the time… and the Americans are providing the motivation.

So how does killing someones baby help? …it just makes them stronger and more fanatical.. how would you feel if someone came along and killed your baby?... Think about it for 1 minute...

…please close your eyes and give 1 minutes silent thought… in memoriam for the agony of all the dead babies in Iraq and Afghanistan!

What seems to be repeating itself is a crusade in the name of an archaic God which gives us ‘permission’ to destroy those who don’t believe in the same God most of us don’t believe in anymore anyway.

Only 7% of the British population goes to church these days… so it was kept under wraps that Blair was a born again Christian... there were worries people in Britain might mistrust or misjudge his decisions if they new he was ‘a Jesus freak’ …and look what he did …created a new age religious crusade ‘against the Saracen’s’…in the Name of God… Blair and Bush ‘bombed us back to the stone age!’ alright! the dark age.

When will we stop believing in these manipulative antiquated fairy tales… people keep dying for… Dying for myths… religion seems to have failed the world… more people have been tortured and killed in the name of different ‘concepts of God’ than any other single cause of war… and this history repeats itself constantly… the only way to stop this pattern who knows?... read learn about history… seems to me knowledge, patience, respect and good manners might be a possible cure..!

‘The farther backwards you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see’…Sir Winston Churchill… and he knew!

Stop the Clash of Civilizations.

And America presents us with... Bloody Fallujah – without an official civilian Death Count… I leave you with a thought...

Notice how the Americans don't seem to take long to make the decision "Take 'EM OUT..."

...And that's what's so worrying for the rest of the world.

Sunday 8 July 2007

Chapter 1. How to stop the war?

This man with this weapon is demonstrating how America will loose the war against guerilla fighters just like the Russians did.

Helecopter gunships operating in high mountains are vulnerable to sneak attack.

Black Hawk Special Delivery by Stuart Brown. Direct Art.

Like the gunships in Mogadishu... just swap the biuldings for mountain peaks.

Even Hollywood producers and directors know that... they make films about it... so why doesn't the Pentagon get it !

Afghans will draw the Americans into close quarter fighting in mountain passes and urban areas where their sophisticated weaponry becomes less effective and more vulnerable to hit and run ambush sneak attacks

Maybe "research" is not Bush's strong point...

Meanwhile this is a photograph of a killer... Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels who was leader of the Nazi's propaganda machine, later the minister incharge of all Nazi Propaganda and Hitler's successor as the Chancellor of Germany.

An early and avid supporter of war, Goebbels did everything in his power to prepare the German people for a large scale military conflict. During the Second World War, he increased his power and influence through shifting alliances with other Nazi leaders. By late 1943, the war had turned into a disaster for the Axis powers, but this only spurred Goebbels to intensify the propaganda by urging the Germans to accept the idea of total war and mobilization.

'I ask you: Do you want total war? If necessary, do you want a war more total and radical than anything that we can even imagine today?' Joseph Goebbels. P.R.O. Hitlers Third Riech. Sportpalast speech. 18 feb 1943. wikipedia.

‘There is another more obvious difference from 1914. The whole of the warring nations are engaged, not only soldiers, but the entire population, men, women and children. The fronts are everywhere. The trenches are dug in the towns and streets. Every village is fortified. Every road is barred. The front line runs through the factories. The workmen are soldiers with different weapons but the same courage.’ Winston S. Churchill on the radio June 18. 1940.

What is total war ? Total war!

Soviet soldiers fighting in the ruins of Stalingrad, 1942. wikipedia.

The defence of Stalingrad, the counter-offensive that trapped the German forces in and around the city.
The German surrender on 2 February 1943 marked the turning-point of the entire Second World War. The intensity and sheer scale of the battle of Stalingrad illustrates the ferocity of the war. Heavy German bombardment, killing thousands of civilians, had turned the city into a landscape of ruins. Workers of the city's weapons factories started personally handing over arms and ammunition to the defending soldiers as the Germans closed in, and eventually continued the fight themselves. Ever more Soviet troops were shipped into the city across the Volga River under enemy fire. German superiority in tanks became useless in the rubble of urban warfare. Fierce man-to-man fighting in streets, buildings and staircases continued for months.

The Red Army moved its strategic reserve from Moscow to the lower Volga, and transferred all available aircraft from the entire country to the Stalingrad area. The Germans eventually lost a quarter of their total forces deployed on the Eastern Front, and never fully recovered from the defeat. The total casualties on both sides are estimated at between 1 and 2 million, within a period of 200 days. Wikipedia.

Could it happen again?
Why not?

Baghdad could easily turn into a tactical replay… fighting in the rubble of blasted city streets fucked the Germans who were far more fiercely aggressive extremist fighters than the Yanks are. And for what? The corporate P.R. war has already been lost.

‘United States guilty of selective morality.’

‘I am reminded of an article I wrote for the Botswana Gazette in 1991, about the hidden objectives of the U.S. in Iraq and the Middle East.
1. To overthrow the Ba’ath Party in Iraq and install a pliable regime.
2. To control Iraqis oil wells.
3. To Balkanize Iraq.
4. To attack Iran after overthrowing the Ba’th Party and:
5. To set up Israel as the only power in the region.

Not only has the U.S. overthrown the Ba’th party but also saw to it that Saddam Hussein was executed.
The U.S. has installed a pliable regime in Iraq and the bailiffs in government make it possible for the U.S. to control Iraqui oil and lucrative contracts to do clean up operations after the messy war… (Make a mess and get paid to clean it up!) The jury is still out on the Balkanisation of Iraq, but with the divisions between Sunni and Shi’ite Moslems , such a prospect is not far fetched. The U.S. threatened several times to attack Iran under the pretext that the latter was developing nuclear weapons. However Isreal is a nuclear power and is not a signatory of the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty. If the U.S. wants to attack a country , there will always be a pretext. The last pretext was that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, which we all now know was false.

The U.S wants to set up Isreal as the only power in that region to look after it’s interests but Iran is a stumbling block.
That’s why the U.S. wants to attack Iran and reduce it to ruins so that Isreal should be the only power in the region.
The U.S. is guilty of selective morality and double standards.
Sam Ditshengo. Kagiso. Mogale City.'

This was a letter written to the South African Star newspaper July 2007, and is a clear example of the views held by assessment of where America is leading us. America is now hated in many places because it attacks other countries and kills people… For what they might do!

And the likely consequences right now is an increase in terrorism as people see how easy it is to hit back hard… and how necessary it is to fight to protect their families, religions and countries against the great corporate aggressor who is definitely following a course of ‘ Coke + A Big Mac’ world domination. We have all become subject to Americas self created problems and we will all suffer for it unless we disengage from the Americans war.

One of the world's greatest and most successful experiment in democracy is being shredded

One of the greatest constitutions in the world is being destroyed from within.

Meanwhile… People threatened with being ‘bombed back into the stone age’ will fight back.
They have no option…

Wake up America!… and who said if you don’t support the war you don’t support the soldiers?
They need to be brought home to their families… rather than dying for weapons of mass destruction that never existed anyway.

Eventually America will be tied down and beaten like Gulliver was by the little people… many little strings holding him down… not one enemy… but more than can be counted.

Small groups… everywhere… using the net…

The American people should be afraid… for not stopping Bush.
Things are not looking good…and violence breeds violence…

'If the recent bombs in Britain had gone off it would have unleashed another wave of hatred and Xenophobia directed against innocent Arabs…and if this hatred is driven by religious differences, then religion has betrayed human kind’ Dr. Lucas Ntyintyane.

Amnesty International recently blasted Bushes war on terrorism.

Saying America is treating the globe like one giant battlefield in it’s war on terrorism… Eroding human rights globally .
Secretary – General Irene Khan described the United States behavior as setting a destructive example for all nations, and that other countries were using the war on terror as an excuse to violate human rights and stifle dissent.

"One of the biggest blows to human rights has been the attempt of Western democratic states to roll back some fundamental principles of human rights — like the prohibition of torture," Khan told The Associated Press, speaking before the launch of her organization's annual report on the global state of human rights.

The 337 page report condemned the United States' response to international terrorism, saying it had done little to reduce the threat, while deepening mistrust between Muslims and non-Muslims and undermining the rule of law. The Bush administration's policy of extraordinary rendition — the alleged practice of secretly flying terror suspects to countries where they could be tortured — came in for particularly scathing condemnation.

"The U.S. administration's double speak has been breathtakingly shameless," the report said. "It is unrepentant about the global web of abuse it has spun in the name of counterterrorism."
In Washington, Deputy State Department spokesman Tom Casey said the report reads more like a political document than an honest review of human rights around the world.
"It's pretty clear that Amnesty International thought that we'd make a convenient ideological punching bag," he said.

Khan said America's unique position on the world stage justified the criticism.
"If we focus on the U.S. it's because we believe that the U.S. is a country whose enormous influence and power has to be used constructively," she said. "When countries like the U.S. are seen to undermine or ignore human rights, it sends a very powerful message to others."
European countries were attacked for failing to challenge the U.S. rendition scheme, while U.S. allies Britain, Australia, and Japan were singled out for passing harsh new anti-terror or anti-immigration laws.

Khan compared Amnesty's struggle to the fight against climate change.
"Just as global warming requires global action based on international cooperation, the human rights meltdown can only be tackled through global solidarity and respect for international law," she said."
Amnesty blasts U.S. on terrorism war’ By RAPHAEL G. SATTER, Associated Press Writer.

For Napoleon and Hitler to loose wars against the Russians was as ‘unthinkable’ at the time as it was ‘unthinkable’ for the Russians to loose against the Afghans in the 80’s.

Like the Americans loosing in Vietnam was ‘unthinkable’…but it happened.

When Saigon fell we watched ‘the unthinkable’ on news bulletins.
A bunch of ‘gooks’ in black pajamas with a bag of rice, an AK 47 and a bicycle had defeated one of the two biggest and most sophisticated military nations on earth.
All the tanks, stealth bombers, agent orange, carpet bombings, special forces, green berets and all the rest of the American militaries brouhaha

proved to be just an empty vessel making too much noise in the jungle. Ending in images of frightened American sailors hurriedly pushing millions of dollars worth of helicopter gun ships off their aircraft carriers in their haste to escape… they ran.

Latterly the Americans rewrote the history book using Hollywood.
‘Rambo’ …the best trained… ‘invincible’ soldier… didn’t really loose… he had been let down… betrayed by politically motivated commanders and weak civilian government… coining the line ‘ we could have won if they had let us’

The Truth is the Americans would have given their eye teeth to have won in ‘Nam’ but they got well and truly beaten, tactically, strategically and physically.

They lost because they lost.

They lost because they could not win…they where not good enough… militarily… and it looks like it’s happening again.

Only this time the cost will probably be much greater. This war is not isolated in one country… it is spreading… developing into a world war… a bigger conflict with the inevitability of bigger casualty rates… and more complex political dilemmas.

There are staggering similarities with Vietnam… the last act really could be the Americans withdrawing defeated and humiliated just like the Russians before them.
And Russians are tough. American commanders have never fought the Russians… if they had they might pay more attention to the history of the Russian debacle in Afghanistan.

Effects of military withdrawl.

Before the Americans withdrew from Vietnam they began a campaign of arming and training the South Vietnamese to fight for themselves.
Helping build a new ‘mentored’ military infrastructure thus releasing American soldiers to go home… because like now the war had become unpopular at home… Sound familiar!

The Americans kitted out and trained thousands of Vietnamese… so they could sneak out the back door while the ‘slope heads ’ took the heat… just like they are doing now in Afghanistan and Iraq… And when they leave? …they will leave these badly ‘mentored’ amateurs facing a vengeful and ruthlessly fierce opposition that loves using 12 year old children to behead it’s enemies slowly with carving knives and videoing it for the internet.

A painful, archaic and disgusting way to die... if you're lucky they might just shoot you in the street.

So let's look back to the last ‘serious’ American war and how it ended.

As the North Vietnamese entered Saigon, South Vietnamese soldiers leapt out of their uniforms in a mass striptease.

Their combat gear and boots left strewn across the streets. Three divisions of the South Vietnamese Army around Saigon melted away.

A back story not often discussed… apocryphal for the new forces of American trained Afghan and Iraqi armies and para military special police that the Americans boast about having trained.
30,000 men they claim… that means 30,000 men with families vulnerable to reprisals after the Americans leave them behind. These men and there families will become targets just as the Vietnamese who worked for the Americans before them.
But the Americans will be long gone by then… leaving others to bear the brunt of their folly and weakness.

Lets look back a moment… ‘Action replay!’

Vietnam civilians try to board an Air America helicopter on an apartment rooftop in Saigon, April 29, 1975. This is perhaps one of the most famous images from the Fall of Saigon taken by Hubert van Es, a Dutch photographer working for United Press International. wikipedia.

"Major James Kean was the last man evacuated off the U.S. Embassy roof.
He remembers crying...

Thousands of Vietnamese had worked loyally and faithfully for years for the Americans and completely trusted the promises the Americans had made to them.
Thousands had been promised they would be evacuated...

Kim Vin Luong was an interpreter for American Intelligence and her husband was an air force pilot. Both of them knew they would be targeted for possible liquidation, torture and execution by communist cadres who would naturally be looking to make examples of those who had collaboratorated with the Americans.

"I was told an American bus would stop at our house to pick us up for the airport.

Nothing happened, and I spent 18 years with the communists because of the mispromise of the American embassy..."

A former CIA officer, says he was terrified for his Vietnamese friends who pleaded to be rescued.
The desperate cries for help which came over the radio circuits, he calls "sound mares" - nightmares in sound.
"They'd say, I'm Mr Han the translator, please ... come pick me up. And we got on the radio and said sure, we'll be right there - and, of course, it was never going to happen. "
Fifteen hours before Saigon surrendered hundreds of Vietnamese besieged the embassy. A large number had been promised a seat out. Many were left behind.
The last US military in Vietnam escaped to the embassy roof chased by a crowd of desperate southerners...

Vietnamese refugees arriving on a U.S. Navy vessel.

There was further humiliation out at sea. Scores of South Vietnamese military officers escaped on their own helicopters to the American evacuation fleet.
The crush became so great their machines had to be dropped overboard. There were no worries about the cost - after all the US had spent 12 years and $150bn on this lost crusade.

America's involvement in Vietnam ended in a nightmare of guilt and recrimination, and the scars remaining unhealed to this day. President Ford accepted the failure to evacuate everyone they had promised to get out could be called a betrayal. ' Associated Press The Fall of Saigon."

History repeats itself and Americas Geo political strategy could easily lead to an action replay . Bushes army can control cities and towns by day. But at night towns are infiltrated and the army cannot prevent fanatical resistance fighters using the cover of darkness to set up ambushes and lay anti personnel mines and bombs in and around all the centers of population. Just like in Vietnam. The enemy is difficult to pin down in harsh and inhospitable terrain.

Just like in Vietnam.

Identifying the real enemy is always difficult and the collateral damage caused by the killing of innocent civilians does not help ‘the hearts and minds’ war effort.
Colonel Hackworth USMC remembers the Vietcong were the most highly motivated soldiers he had ever seen."They had lots of fire in their belly. They were well led. They were totally dedicated.They were fighting for independence… much like the Americans in 1776 were fighting against the British. They wanted their country free of foreign oppression."

If this motivation worked for the Americans in 1776…and the Vietnamese in 1996… Why not for the Taliban in 2007?